Halloween Treat #03: Scary Cherry Xtras

Gotta mix a little creepy with the cute!


Usage: Okay for commercial and personal use.



Also needed if you wish to use the included hair fits:

thumb_autumn th_troll-droll stt_thumb

Info: Six textures for RDNA’s old freebie Scary Cherry. It’s a porcelain/bisque-like doll tone. The first set is plain with a dirty option, and the second and third sets are cracked textures also with dirty options. (No blood splatter, though; that was done in postwork.) I included a few diffuse eye color presets for those who might want something beyond the default blue eye texture.

The hair fits aren’t perfect, but they get the job done. Please let me know if there are any problems with the zip archive or files.

Edited to add: Because I always forget to remind Poser users they may need to adjust the surface settings. I don’t own Poser, so I can’t check to see how my DS to Poser converter handles things like bump map settings, which need to be stronger than usual.

Previews inside…

Set #01 – Default Clean and Dirty
Set #02: Cracked 01, Clean and Dirty
Set #03: Cracked 02, Clean and Dirty

Credits: Frangipani Dress V4, with Kattey’s expansion to make it longer, stockings from Pumpkin Avenue, shoes from Black Alyss, Feliciana Hair V4, Vandalized for the Parkside Box Car, Grass One, Grassy Grounds Megapack, Autumn Hair, and Ron’s Blood.

The photo that inspired the first image was one I ran across on Tumblr or Pinterest — can’t remember exactly, and now of course I can’t find it.

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