GGN: Footwear #02 – DS Version Only

prev_ggn-sensible-shoes DOWNLOAD (DAZ Studio only)

Usage: Okay for commercial and personal use.

Required: Sensible Shoes (see here; same as with Bossy Boots.)

Info: Full presets as well as a number of partial presets so you can mix-n-match. These shoes have separate prop figures for the lace bows, which I cannot get to work in Poser for some reason. Until I can figure out why — this month has been crazy busy with personal stuff and I’m still on the learning curve for Poser — I’ve just uploaded the DS version.

The textures will work on the shoes for other figures too.



Please let me know if there are any issues with the zip file or the presets.

Probably will be a little scarce around here as I get back to a normal routine and catch up on everything I’ve let slide these past few weeks.

Also digesting the whole RDNA/DAZ merger. Yowza!